A new beginning

"Means of Grace, Hope of Glory" has a new beginning. More writers, an occasional conversation, a way to stay connected with others who care about shaping healthy and faithful parish churches.
The articles will continue our work on the development of parish churches grounded in Anglican pastoral and ascetical theology, especially Benedictine spirituality. We also draw on the fields of organization development and organizational psychology.
In articles written since 2012, and to be written in the future, you'll find insight into the issues and dynamics of:
- The prayer & the inner life - The role of the parish priest - Conflict management
- Reconciliation & forgiveness -Spirituality & the pandemic - Spirituality and justice
- Parish development & liturgy - The search process - Membership growth & decline
- Benedictine spirituality - The relationship among prayer, doctrine and action
- The honeymoon phase - Listening & communication - Shaping the parish
Read articles written between 2012 and 2020
Here are the changes we've made
There are four Professed Members of the Order of the Ascension who will offer articles on a regular basis.
Michelle Heyne, OA - Michelle is the Presiding Sister of the Order. More information
Scott Benhase, OA - Scott is the retired Bishop of Georgia and Vicar, St. Cyprian’s, Oxford, NC More information
Lowell Grisham, OA - A writer on faith & politics for the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette and the retired rector of St. Paul’s Church, Fayetteville, AR. More information
Robert Gallagher, OA - Founder of the Church Development Institute and of the Order of the Ascension. More information
All four writers have served as trainers in the Church Development Institute program. Each has also served as the superior of the Order of the Ascension.
Other members of the Order will also write from time to time.
Open comments
We'd love to hear your thoughts and feelings in response to articles. The comments section will be open for any reader to post. You may also want to respond to other comments that have been offered. Offer your thoughts, ask questions, test ideas about parish development.
Obviously any comments that are commercial or hostile in nature will be removed.
A ministry of the Order of the Ascension
We have moved "Means of Grace, Hope of Glory" from the website of Congregational Development to the OA site. This is a ministry of the Order that we hope will be of service to the parishes of the church.
Nextdoor group
Nextdoor group is taking the place of the Yahoo Congregational Development E-List. Yahoo has decided to discontinue all its groups.
The group you have been part of on Yahoo will continue as Parish Development group. You will need to sign up for that and join the nextdoor system. Here's the link - https://nextdoor.com/g/pwn18yj1i/. Over the coming few weeks you'll receive a few reminders to make the change. If you haven't made the change by that time you'll no longer receive related messages.
As communication methods changed, the CD e-list turned from a discussion group to a vehicle for the Order of the Ascension to send people:
If you sign up for the Nextdoor group you'll receive messages in those three areas.
As an alternative, you may send an email to Brother Robert and be placed on a list maintained by the Order. You'll receive all the same messages going to those on the Nextdoor group. In Subject: Means of Grace, Hope of Glory. In your message: please provide your name and email address.
Earlier articles
All the articles from 2012 to 2020 are still available at Congregational Development.