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Parish Development Resources from the Order of the Ascension

This is to call your attention to four resources you may find useful in your work as consultants or as parish and diocesan leaders.

Shaping the Parish Resources

A variety of resources connected to the Shaping the Parish series of books.  [Being written in 2021-22]

The first sections are models, theories, and skills that we see as central to the ministry of parish development. After those sections are many other useful resources. You have permission to use these materials as handouts in parish and diocesan training programs. Much more will be added to the resources over the coming year.

The link to the page


Free Out-Of-Print books from AP

Six books or booklets published between 1983 and 2003.  Ascension Press is providing them at no cost. Priestly Spirituality by Eleanore McLaughlin, Prayer and Prophecy by Ken Leech, Power from on High by Robert Gallagher, Faith Sharing by Mary Anne Mann and Robert Gallagher, Parish Assessment Workbook by Robert Gallagher and Linda Tavello, and Conformed to Christ by a team of OA related people.

The link to the page – Go down to “Out-of-print books”


Means of Grace, Hope of Glory

Articles from 2012 to now. On the issues and dynamics of parish development and the spirituality of the parish church. 

The link to the page


OA Associates

Parishes are strengthened when there are some parishioners who are related to one of the church’s religious orders.

The link to the page – on Associates of the Order of the Ascension

A link to information about other orders

The Episcopal Church’s website on religious orders

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