Parish development resources: videos and written

I came across these videos on Christmas Eve. They are from the Diocesan Church Development Institute of the Diocese of Long Island. They are excellent resources. The director of the program is Mother Liz Tunney. Liz and I have worked together over the years in several CDIs. The Long Island team of three priests has done some excellent work here. Liz, Karen Davis-Lawson and Kevin Morris offer clear, thoughtful presentations on parish development theory and methods. I hope you’ll make good use of it.
These first four models are from Fill All Things: The Dynamics of Spirituality in the Parish Church. We have also noted webpages and PDFs from other sources that relate to some of the videos.
Shape of the Parish – A model for understanding the forms of faith and practice in any parish church. Suggests a pastoral strategy of acceptance where the person is and invitation to go further. A webpage. A PDF Sermon Webpage: Doing Parish Development during the Virus: Power from the center pervades the whole
Renewal-Apostolate Cycle – The central dynamic of parish life. We are renewed in our baptismal identity and purpose and we serve an apostolate with family and friends, in workplace and civic life. A PDF
Christian Life Model – The elements of parish life – worship, doctrine, action and oversight. Website: The Christian Life Model
The Benedictine Promise – The dynamics in the Benedictine Promise of stability, obedience and conversation of life. Web pages: Benedictine Spirituality and the Parish Church and The Benedictine DNA of the Episcopal Church PDF: The Benedictine Promise and the Dynamics of the Spiritual Life
Relationship Cycle in Organizations - A model for understanding the dynamics of relationship in the parish. How people move into stability in that relationship, how that can grow and be nurtured, and how it can also be disrupted and restored. There is recent written material available on the model at – Relationship Cycle in Parishes. An upcoming (2021?) Ascension Press book will offer new material on the cycle as it applies to parishes.
Sizing Up a Congregation – A review of size theory. Webpage – Transitions in parish size Part two The numbers A PDF – Doug Walrath offers a somewhat different take on size dynamics.
Affinity Mapping – A way for the parish to deal with a large amount of data coming from a brainstorming session. Especially useful for focusing and organizing ideas when it is a large group, and the ideas are A useful alternative to the standard brainstorming – prioritizing process. A PDF A webpage on affinity mapping
Group Development – A look at group development stages. PDF Stages of Group Developement Basic Concerns of Any Group, Schutz Team Structure: Toward Increased Empowerment
Force Field Analysis – A process developed by Kurt Lewin. Used in the fields of social science, psychology, social psychology, community psychology, communication, organization development, process management, and change management. A webpage on FFA. Lewin’s model of change (Unfreeze – change – refreeze.)
Intervention Theory - Based on the work of Chris Argyris in Intervention Theory and Method. It can be seen as the underlying “process outcomes” we are seeking in an intervention, i.e., valid and useful information, free choice, and internal commitment. A PDF
Introduction to Diocesan Church Development Institute – An overview of the program. The national DCDI website.
Written resources on-line
Parish Life Cycle – The dynamics of the life cycle.
Likes-Concerns-Wishes Process – A structured process for assessing the whole or part of parish life and proposals that have been made.
Contemplation – Intercession – Action – The relationship among these forms of prayer and Christian action.
In Your Holy Spirit model – Exploration of the relationship among Eucharist, Daily Office, Reflection, Community and Service.
Lectio Divina and Spiritual Reading - Methods of prayer
Bonding: Priest and People – Stages of development in the relationship between the priest and the congregation
The Transformation Model - An organization development theory looking at the process of Inputs – Transformation Process - Outputs and feedback loops. A PDF
Three Movements of the Spiritual Life - Henri Nouwen’s model from Reaching Out. A web page focused on the Solitude stage
And more at – Free documents
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