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In 2019 we invite you to - 


We invite you into a deeper spiritual life. There is a web of relationship among adoration, awe and service. You are already living within that web. You are already living in Christ, and Christ in you.

A place to begin --

Evelyn Underhill on adoration, awe and service - a PDF

A reflection by Fr. Lowell Grisham, OA in 2012 on Episcopal Cafe - the link

He ends with a quote from Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. 

All around us, to right and left, in front and behind, above and below, we have only to go a little beyond the frontier of sensible appearances in order to see the divine welling up and showing through. But it is not only close to us, in front of us, that the divine presence has revealed itself. It has sprung up universally, and we find ourselves so surrounded and transfixed by it, that there is no room left to fall down and adore it, even within ourselves.


Mary of Bethany

The story of Mary and Martha is all too frequently twisted by preachers to avoid making us uncomfortable. They offer the ways of Mary and Martha as equally valid paths. But that’s not the story. Our Lord gives us a challenge — “Mary has chosen the better part.” To receive the challenge, and the grace that accompanies it, is to enter into our own life in a new way. We come to see and understand that the Eucharist is not only about us being fed so we might feed others; Eucharist is an end in itself. Just being with one another and God in communion is the purpose and completion of life. We come to understand that sitting on a porch drinking fine Scotch or cheap beer is not just a break from the struggles of life, but is a taste of eternity. Robert A. Gallagher, OA  Fill All Things: The Dynamics of Spirituality in the Parish Church

Jesus says, "Mary has chosen the better part." Here's a reflection on that.

Mary anoints the feet of Jesus - a reflection 

Mary & Martha - Contemplation & Action  - a link  What needs to be said is more this, “In our spiritual journey some begin more inclined to action and others to contemplation. God draws us all toward a life in which awe and adoration are the ground for our action.”  Another take on this from All Saints Margaret Street.


Our longing for life in the Blessed Trinity

This is a spiritual map that sees adoration and awe as pathways by which we engage our longing for uniqueness and harmony.  The PDF

This is a second spiritual map that also assumes our longing for life in the Trinity.  The PDF


What is adoration?

The Prayer Book says that, "Adoration is the lifting up of the heart and mind to God, asking nothing but to enjoy God’s presence."   A PDF

Adoration in the Eucharist and Daily Office.  A PDF

Preparing your heart for awe

Awe is a gift. God gives the gift. We don't order up awe at the check out window. Adoration is different. We can decide to adore. We can engage in adoration in our common prayers and in our personal devotions. We may not be able to decide how much passion we offer in those acts; but we can decide to do the acts. Awe is a gift.  A PDF 


Let us forever adore

To adore is to be willing to be laid bare before someone,to be fearlessly vulnerable, to love freely and without expectation. ...“Adore” is a word that carries a delicious risk, a word that says you are willing to pin heart to sleeve and claim, “You are holy to me; you are beloved and precious beyond measure.”

"Let us forever adore" was the June 20 enews message of Mother Erika Takacs, Rector, Church of the Atonement, Chicago.  Erika's work has included her participation as a founder and convener of the Society of Catholic Priests and her time at Saint Mark's, Philadelphia.