The Founding of the Community of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer
September 11, 2018
Michelle Heyne, OA, Presiding Sister and Fr. Robert Gallagher, OA, represented the Order at the founding and first vows of the Community of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer.
Their Bishop Visitor, The Rt. Rev. Thomas Breidenthal, presided and preached at Christ Church Cathedral, Cincinnati. Here's a PDF of the liturgy.
The Rite of Profession was done within the usual weekly Eucharist made up of a congregation from the staffs of the diocese, cathedral, and Forward Movement. Friends and companions of the new order joined for the occasion.
Prior to the day Sister Michelle send them a quote from Martin Thornton. It included this thought (see below for the entire quote) --
When we look at our contemporary trouble spots, at violence in the inner cities, and racial hatred, or torture, murder and rape, I can muster little faith in the efficacy of “praying about it.” I have absolute confidence in the efficacy of planting a contemplative community in the middle of it and letting God manifest his power.
As we have heard our friends in the Community of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, we understand their life together to include a commitment to the renewal of the church and the redemption of a fallen society. Thornton's wisdom seems especially appropriate. From CMMR Rule "The Lord's song begins with Communion. ... This community will fail if it is just about us becoming holy, and not about the religious community being an icon of holiness for all."
Their Rule also offers a word to us of the Order of the Ascension and others living the religious life--
The vocation of those in religious and other Christian communities is not the vocation of a special species of Christian, but is, like the vocation of bishops, priests, and deacons, an iconic vocation, revealing in an especially tangible way something that is true of all the Baptized. The vocation of those in religious and other Christian communities is a vocation of incarnation and example, not exception.
Each added the name of a saint to their own. The Bishop prayed, "May you always be conscious of the virtues of these saints. may they lead you to the day of your solemn profession and guide you to your heavenly goal."
Debbi, you shall be known as Sister Debra Susannah Mary.
Jason, you shall be known as Father Jason Dominic.
Rob, you shall be known as Father Robert Antony.

She sent this message to the Order --
Bob and I will be traveling to Cincinnati tomorrow to participate in the beginning of a new religious community -- the Community of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer. Three people, including two friends of ours from Saint Paul's, Seattle, will be taking first vows on Tuesday the 11th at Christ Church Cathedral.
Would you join us in intercession and thanksgiving for this new community on that day? And also, please pray for our nation and all who died on the 11th in 2001.