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Shaping the Parish Resources

Here you will find a variety of resources connected to the Shaping the Parish series of books.  [Being written in 2021-23]

The first sections are models, theories, and skills that we see as central to the ministry of parish development. After those sections are a large number of other useful resources. 

You have permission to use these materials as handouts in parish and diocesan training programs. 

Here is a PDF with definitions of parish development and organization development.



The dynamics of spirituality in the parish church

These frameworks have been at the heart of a variety of parish development training programs.

The Renewal-Apostolate Cycle     The Renewal - Apostolate Cycle - Video presentation

The Shape of the Parish       Shape of the Parish - Video Presentation 

The Benedictine Promise      The Benedictine Promise - Video presentation

The Christian Life Model     The Christian Life Model - A video presentation

The In Your Holy Spirit Model

    A 5 session educational program  -   "Teaching Spiritual Practice: An Experiential Approach to Christian      Formation and Parish Development" makes use of the In Your Holy Spirit Model

In the "Assessments" section below there are assessments based on the core frameworks.

There are also additional books and PDFs that explore the frameworks in more depth.  You may also find related resources by doing a search in this site, especially in the blog Means of Grace, Hope of Glory.


1. Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict, Esther de Waal  AMAZON

2. Fill All Things: The Spiritual Dynamics of the Parish Church, Robert A. Gallagher  AMAZON

3. A Wonderful and Sacred Mystery: A Practical Theology of the Parish Church  AMAZON

4. Done and Left UndoneScott Benhase   AMAZON

5. An Energy Not Its Own: Three cycles of parish life and the purposes of the parish church   AMAZON

6. Nothing so contagious as holiness: Developmental Initiatives for Increased Parish Vitality Grounded in Spiritual Practice      PENDING  -by mid December 2023

7.  Finding God in All Things: Contemplation, Intercession, and Intervention     AMAZON

8. In Your Holy Spirit: Shaping the Parish Through Spiritual Practice - Presents the model a applied to the parish church.

9. Life in Christ: Practicing Christian Spirituality, Julia Gatta         AMAZON 

10. The Nearness of God: Parish Ministry as Spiritual Practice, Julia Gatta   AMAZON


The reading list for Associates of the Order


Related PDFs

Renewal - Apostolate Cycle and the Eucharist 

Workplace Apostolate - One page on the possible connections between the laity’s experience in the workplace and their apostolate.

Two pieces on Bishop Tutu's Renewal - Apostolate Cycle

           Spiritual Practice and Christian Action

           Prays the Daily Office

The Benedictine Promise and the Spiritual Life 

The Benedictine Promise and the Dynamics of the Spiritual Life in a Diocese

Stability        Obedience

The Christian Life Model - individual spirituality   4 page booklet (1984?)

          A worksheet      Christian Life Model Core Elements 

          Christian Life - common errors

Reflection processes on the Renewal-Apostolate Cycle

      Workbook - Taking Responsibility for your Spiritual Life

      Parish Educational Design      System Intervention

      Interview Questions - a worksheet      Rule of Life Worksheet

      Apostolate -charism

Notes on the Remnant


Also, see Assessments below for a number of related assessment forms



These first four models are from Fill All Things: The Dynamics of Spirituality in the Parish Church. We have also noted webpages and PDFs from other sources that relate to some of the videos.

Shape of the Parish – A model for understanding the forms of faith and practice in any parish church. Suggests a pastoral strategy of acceptance where the person is and invitation to go further. A webpage.  A PDF  Sermon  Webpage: Doing Parish Development during the Virus: Power from the center pervades the whole Also Chapter 3 in A Wonderful and Sacred Mystery: A Practical Theology of the Parish Church  AMAZON

Renewal-Apostolate Cycle – The central dynamic of parish life. We are renewed in our baptismal identity and purpose and we serve an apostolate with family and friends, in workplace and civic life.   A PDF  Also Chapter 4 in An Energy Not Its Own: Three cycles of parish life and the purposes of the parish church   AMAZON

Christian Life Model – The elements of parish life – worship, doctrine, action and oversight. Website: The Christian Life Model 

The Benedictine Promise – The dynamics in the Benedictine Promise of stability, obedience and conversation of life.  Web pages: Benedictine Spirituality and the Parish Church and The Benedictine DNA of the Episcopal Church  PDF: The Benedictine Promise and the Dynamics of the Spiritual Life

Relationship Cycle in Organizations  - A model for understanding the dynamics of relationship in the parish. How people move into stability in that relationship, how that can grow and be nurtured, and how it can also be disrupted and restored. There is recent written material available on the model at – Relationship Cycle in Parishes.  Also Chapter 3 in An Energy Not Its Own: Three cycles of parish life and the purposes of the parish church   AMAZON

Sizing Up a Congregation – A review of size theory.     Webpage – Transitions in parish size Part two    The numbers    A PDF – Doug Walrath offers a somewhat different take on size dynamics.

Affinity Mapping – A way for the parish to deal with a large amount of data coming from a brainstorming session. Especially useful for focusing and organizing ideas when it is a large group, and the ideas are   A useful alternative to the standard brainstorming – prioritizing process. A PDF  A webpage on affinity mapping

Group Development – A look at group development stages.  PDF Stages of Group Developement  Basic Concerns of Any Group, Schutz   Team Structure: Toward Increased Empowerment       

Force Field Analysis – A process developed by Kurt Lewin. Used in the fields of social science, psychology, social psychology, community psychology, communication, organization development, process management, and change management. A webpage on FFA.   Lewin’s model of change (Unfreeze – change – refreeze.)

Intervention Theory - Based on the work of Chris Argyris in Intervention Theory and Method.  It can be seen as the underlying “process outcomes” we are seeking in an intervention, i.e., valid and useful information, free choice, and internal commitment.   A PDF


A few models from the world of organization development

We frequently make use of these in our work. Additional models can be found in sections below

Parish Life Cycle  - the image      

Relationship Cycle in Parishes   - the image

  Related - The Church's Way of Reconciliation & Forgiveness

                Pick yourself up ...

                Relationship Cycle in Organizations

Intervention Theory         Intervention Theory - video presentation

The Change Formula     Worksheet

Trust Development  

Levels of Conflict

Developing Critical Mass        Worksheet

The Demand System  Demand System Exercise

Focusing the Parish (relates to Demand System issue)

Oscillation Theory - The Task of the Church and the Role of Its Members


The Purposes of the Parish Church            Parish Church Quotes

Loving Critics       An image of the Model



Means of Grace, Hope of Glory - a parish development blog

     from November 2020 on -- Webpage

     from 2012 - 2020 -- Webpage 


Parish Development Videos - From the Church Development Institute of the Diocese of Long Island



Priestly Spirituality by Eleanore L. McLaughlin         

A PDF of the booklet (no charge)

An early AP offering. It was reprinted with the permission of the "Anglican Theological Review." Mother McLaughlin closes the piece with this --
The cardinal image of priestly spirituality is the servant Lord dying on the cross, with the people on his heart. At the foot of the cross is another image, that of the Blessed Mother, not displacing her Son, but, by long tradition, a symbol for the contemplation of other aspects of the Mystery of the Incarnation. Mary also is a paradigm for priestly spirituality, especially for this grace to say yes to God in the world without knowing the outcome, to receive what is come into the world and bear it, and pray without ceasing over it.Come abide with meLet my soul like MaryBe thine in earthly sanctuary.


"Prayer and Prophecy" by Kenneth Leech 

Two lectures given by Father Leech at the Berkeley Divinity School at Yale in 1984. The first is The City as Today's Contemplative Desert and the second is the Urban Church and the Struggle for the Kingdom.

A PDF of the booklet





"Power from on High: A Model for Parish Life and Development" by Robert Gallagher, OA 

A PDF of the book

The renewal and development of a parish is a process of entering more deeply into the life of Christ and the nature and mission of the Church. A parish is being renewed as it enters into and reflects the mind, heart and work of Christ. A parish is being renewed as it enters into and reflects the unity, holiness, catholicity and apostolicity of the Church. A parish is being renewed as it pursues the mission of holy unity. Parish development is our striving, as a community of Christian people, toward God. It is not primarily something we do, or create, or make happen. It is the way in which a parish, a local manifestation of the Holy Catholic Church, shares in the Divine Life. It is living the Christian life, not simply as individuals, but as a people. Robert A. Gallagher, OA 

An updated presentation of the model is in Fill All Things, Gallagher, Ascension Press


"Faith Sharing" by Mary Anne Mann; Robert A Gallagher, OA

A collection of exercises to help small groups relate the story of the People of God with our own story. Helpful for community building among vestries or other organizations. 32 pp. booklet.  A PDF of the booklet

Several of the exercises are based on models available on this site at -- Shaping the Parish Resources 

There are also two exercise developed shortly after the booklet was published. Nurturing Commitment and Competence and Renewal-Apostolate


 "Parish Assessment Workbook" by Robert Gallagher, OA and Linda Miska Tavello, COA 

 A 1988 publication used by consultants and bishop's staffs to help parishes reflect on their life and ministry. It was frequently used as the basis for writing a parish profile. We believe it's still a very useful resource with a bit of adaptation.) 

 A PDF of the workbook



"Conformed to Christ" -- This book provides an introduction to the ways in which establishing standards and developing organizational structure contribute to parish formation and life in the Body of Christ. The sections describing the roles that standards and structures play in the creation of healthy parishes are followed by sample standards, job descriptions, and documents to serve as a guide for Clergy or lay leaders seeking to strengthen the life of their congregations. First published in 1988 and revisd in 2004.

A PDF of the book




The Promise: 2021 Three reflections on the Benedictine Promise offered at the 2021 retreat of the Order of the Ascension. Includes an introduction by Sister Michelle Heyne, OA the Presiding Sister.







Packets for participants in Pathways of Grace programs

Silence and Action

Making Ourselves at Home 


Adoration - Awe -Service


Three Movements of the Spiritual Life - From Reaching Out: The Three Movements of the Spiritual Life, Henri Nouwen      

      Loneliness to solitude   


      Illusion to Prayer 

      Three Movements of the Spiritual Life -parish assessment

The Threefold Rule Of Prayer (also called the Prayer Book Pattern) 

More detailed posting on the Threefold Rule

    Variations: Functions Served    Responsible Thinking     Chart    Explanation and Chart

A map: Worship and Prayer

A map - Presence in Providence

The Benedictine Promise and the Dynamics of the Spiritual Life

In Your Holy Spirit

Contemplation - Intercession - Action -  the model

Contemplation - Intercession - Action - article

The Christian Life - short OA tract from the 1980s    A worksheet

Character Traits - By Urban Holmes

The Person Being Formed - a worksheet



These are models drawn from the field of organization development that can be used to assess the parish on the same terms as any organization.

Organizational Diagnosis

Four Key Systems

Intervention Choices

Aspects of Shared Responsibility           Worksheet

Systems Theory

Systems Thinking - a presentation. given by Rebecca Debow

Transformation Model 



The Process of Planned Change - a booklet used in the novitiate, Order of the Ascension

        Process of Planned Change 

            Overview - one page diagram





Finding God in All Things: Contemplation, Intercession, and Intervention has an updated and more complete exploration of the Process of Planned Change  AMAZON

        The Process of Change      

        Organizational Change Strategies 

        Designing & Implementing Interventions - worksheet

        OD Research -- what seems to work?

        Resistance to Change

Lists of competencies for Parish Development and OD 

      Practitioner Competency for Interventions in the Parish    Worksheet   

      Rules of Thumb for Change Agents 

      Congregational Development Leadership/Consultant Assessment 

      Organization Development Competencies - from 2001, being revised in 2021 by the OD Network

      Definitions of Ascetical Theology & Organization Development

Developmental Initiative Worksheet - you can use for planning and reflection purposes

Developmental Initiative Evaluation - for use as you reflect on and learn from your DI



The material in this section may be useful for parishes as they design a weekend event to begin an improvement process. The PDFs include the materials used in such weekends. All of this has been on-line for at least 5 years. It was originally posted in service of that parish's work as they prepared for, and looked back on, the weekend. It has also served other churches as they consider ways to begin a parish development effort.  You may find it useful to look at the Parish Life Cycle as background for reading the stories. 

Saint Paul's - beginning a transition 

Saint Clare's - Episcopal Spirituality: Individual Spiritual Growth and Parish Development

Trinity - This parish had a practice of holding a yearly vestry retreat at a conference center. 




I-C-O -- inclusion, control, openness (was affection in earlier forms)

I-C-A -- Basic Concerns of Any Group

I-C-A (or O) graph

Group Development Theory - Leadership Issues

Stages of Team Development 

Jack Gibb on Trust Development in Groups     

Trust Development - Gallagher

Shared Leadership: Task and Relationship



Changing Norms

Team Meeting Assessment

Likes-Concerns-Wishes Meeting Assessment

Meeting Assessment--Group Processes

Rating Team Effectiveness

Team Effectiveness Assessment- human factors

Team Meeting Assessment (2)

Team Role Assessment: Task & Relationship





Intergroup Team Building Process 

A Meeting Cycle

Designing a Meeting

Improving Vestry Meetings 

Discernment - three threads    

Communal discernment       Related worksheet

Discernment listening guidelines

Discernment readings

Testing Process

Channeling Process

A few structures and processes to facilitate listening

Lectio Divina

     Lectio Divina - from Means of Grace, Hope of Glory

     Spiritual Reading - from Means of Grace, Hope of Glory

     Accepting the Embrace of God - Fr. Luke Dysinger, O.S.B.

     Article on Lectio - Abbey newsletter

Silence quotes         Survey on silence

An Attitude of Silence in the Daily Office and the Holy Eucharist

Learning from Experience - EIAG method

Group methods, structures, norms for parish faithfulness and health

Participant Role in a Team



    Bonding: Priest & Community       Worksheet

    Use and Misuse of Power

    Oversight of Parish Life and Development

    The Life of the Pastor

    Pastoral Leadership

    Worksheet for Leaders Managing Emotionally Difficult Issues in the Parish

    Leadership Conferences

    Vestry Self-Assessment

    What do you bring to the table?

    Board Development Functions           Related worksheet

    Parish Development Teams          A job description 



       What kind of person is being formed?

       The emotional competency framework

       Assessing emotional competency 

       Practitioner Competency for Interventions in the Parish

        Emotional and Social Intellegence Elements

        Feelings Sheet - a help in naming your feelings

        Worksheet - managing emotionally difficult issues in the parish

        JoHari Window        Expanding Area of Free Activity

       Interpersonal Gap - John L. Wallen         Worksheet

       Behavior Description     Worksheet 

       Learning from Experience - EIAG method 

       The Drama Triangle  - Persecutor, Rescuer, Victim


Giving and Receiving Feedback

 Skillfully Receiving Feedback

Core communication and feedback skills

Feelings - a list of feelings that me help you name and accept responsibility

A Feedback Process for use in a discernment for holy orders process


Feedback - Negotiation Worksheet        



Purposes of the Parish Church Assessment

Assessing the Parish's Spiritual Practices - In Your Holy Spirit Model

Assessing Your Spiritual Practices - For individuals, In Your Holy Spirit model 

Benedictine Promise - a overall parish assessment 

Benedictine Promise  - personal spiritual life

Benedictine Promise - and the Dynamics of the Spiritual Life in a Diocese

Assessing using the Benedictine Promise   Related on Wonderful and Sacred Mystery

Christian Life Model assessment - parish

Christian Life Model - Your spiritual life 

Renewal-Apostolate Cycle - an overall parish assessment

Renewal-Apostolate Analysis

Renewal-Apostolate Analysis #2

Renewal-Apostolate Cycle - Rule of Life Worksheet

Renewal-Apostolate Cycle distorting tendencies -ways in which the parish can cut across the Cycle

 Interview Questions - a worksheet (Rotted in the Renewal - Apostolate Cycle)

Shape of the Parish - an exercise

Parish Assessment - based on Albrecht's Four Key Systems 

Parish Assessment - based on Organizational Diagnosis model

Parish Community Life Assessment

Parish Assessment Workbook - 1988 publication ...a very useful resource with a bit of adaptation.

Conflict - heading off parish conflict

Discernment in Parish Life

Eucharistic Assessment

Liturgical Space Considerations - Note: the second part was used with a particular parish to test issues it faced. You might revise the form to test issues of your parish.

Incorporation Process Assessment - Welcome/first contact, Orienting, Integrating

Evangelization and Growth

Vestry Self-Assessment

What do you bring to the table?

Circles of Influence 

Aspects of Shared Responsibility

Strategic Management Assessment

Parish Oversight Assessment

Likes - Concerns - Wishes Process

              Leadership Assessment: Likes, Concerns, and Wishes

              Parish Assessment: Likes, concerns, wishes

              Response to a report: Likes, concerns, wishes

              Meeting assessemnt: Likes, concerns, wishes

       Three Movements of the Spiritual Life -parish assessment

      The Church: Analogies & Images

      Key Factors (2021)         Key Factors (2009)

          Article on Key Factors at Means of Grace, Hope of Glory

     Assessments - a packet of assessments used in the Shaping the Parish program

     Assessing Parish Cultural Density


Assessments using presentation of options 

These assessments seek to begin a parish conversation about a desired future.  The idea is to provide a wide range of options so that people are helped to shift from "Yes - No" thinking to more nuanced and complex thinking. The intention is to maximize choices, thereby increasing people's free choice and internal commitment (see Intervention Theory). Note: these assessments are best used as examples to help you create an assessment that fits the particular situation of your parish. We'd appreciate your offering written credit on your assessment form if you have made significant use of these materials.

Liturgical Options

Liturgical Space Arrangement - This offers several pictures and asks people to put them in rank order

Liturgical Space Choices - A series of forced choices 

Parish Options      Worksheet #1   Worksheet #2   Ranking Worksheet

        Parish Options - article in "Means of Grace, Hope of Glory"

               Parish Options with description of Basic Choices

     Possible Futures - several parishes used this process

      Results - St Brendan      Possible Futures - merger      Results - merger

       Possible Futures - Trinity       Results - Trinity



The History of Parish Development in the Episcopal Church (as of March 2023)

Understanding from Within: Working with Religious Systems

Two Schools of Congregational Development  and a web page article as PDF and on-line

History of OD chart

Myths and Norms in Parish Life: A Guide to Parish pathology - written in the 1979s by Loren Mean, then director of Project Test Pattern. A mix of humor and wisdom.



      Definitions of Ascetical Theology & Organization Development

      Defining Organization Development

      History of OD chart

      Taking the al Out of OD

      Principles of Practice

      Organization Development at WomenRising 1992-2016 - Two members of OA were involved in this work




Six Strategies for Growth

Defining and Marketing the Parish

St. Paul's Parish, Seattle: Growth & Decline

Parish Options


Newcomers Gathering

Four Growth Strategies     (older version - Three Growth Strategies)

Deciding to be in Community

The Sunday Morning Experience 

Stay in the City



Church Development Institute - 2008 Manual 

Shaping the Parish - Diocesan program manual

Leadership Training Institute (LTI)

Human Interaction 2008

Group Development

Design Skills - training, educational and program design

Consultation Skills

Other programs

Group Facilitation Skills

Sanctification of All



Eucharistic Practices: Notes for Facilitators - A training session to increase Eucharistic competence

        Examples PR flyers   One    Two

Liturgical Presence 

Practices During the Eucharist

The Holy Eucharist - with suggestions for use of the body in the liturgy

The Sacrament of Reconciliation



This section consists of a number of Developmental Initiatives used in the Shaping the Parish program. Our experience with participants in the Church Development Institute (CDI) and the College for Congregational Development (CCD) was that their projects were rarely strategic or developmental. While the ideas strategic and developmental are part of the teaching in both that doesn't seem to result in related projects. For the most part the projects are worthy endeavors. However, they rarely have much of a ripple effect or likely to impact the parish culture. On the other hand, the process of designing those projects does often have payoffs as participants increase their abilities for team work and project design. The Shape of the Parish leaders decided to focus on helping parish teams produce truly strategic and developmental results emphasizing the results for the parishes over the design learning of the participants. Their hope was that participants would come away with a stronger sense of what was developmental and strategic having implement such initiatives. 

A Developmental Initiative Worksheet - you can use for planning and reflection purposes

Developmental Initiatives from the 2011-12 program

"Interventions: Methods and Processes for Building Healthier Parishes" - a PDF In the Developmental Initiatives (DIs) below you'll find references to pages in the PDF.

Finding God in All Things: Contemplation, Intercession, Intervention by Heyne and Gallagher is a book based on that earlier work. It will be available from Ascension Press shortly.

The DIs below were categorized by the degree to which they were strategic and development--A, B or C.


Communal Voice 

This initiative is to create or significantly improve the parish’s approach to communal voice. The core of this initiative is around establishing a pattern of community meetings, the use of survey-feedback methods, and an understanding of communal discernment. A useful and effective “communal voice” depends on the positional leadership (rector, vestry, others) staying in role.

Creating an Adult Foundations Course

This initiative is designed to assist in the development of proficiency in the Christian life by the development and implementation of an adult foundations course program.

     “Outline of an Adult Foundations Course in Faith & Practice”

     Course Outline from From Nothing so contagious as holiness

Listening Processes

Increase the parish’s processes and structures for listening. The immediate goal is to put into place several listening processes within the next three months. And set in motion the longer-term goal. The longer-term goal is to establish a parish culture given to respectful and thoughtful listening to God, the larger church, and one another.

Euchristic Competence

The project is to develop the Eucharistic competence of the congregation. This is a long-term developmental approach. In fact, it never ends because there are always new people joining the life of a parish. The overall goal is to establish and maintain a critical mass of people in each congregation of the parish who are proficient in their participation in the Holy Eucharist.

Rule of Life - Critical Mass

This project has the capacity to build a critical mass of members with an intentional spiritual discipline, a rule of life. It might require offering the process several times over 2 or 3 years or in combination with other programs on the spiritual life for the critical mass to emerge.

Serving One Another

This project touches both on issues of emotional intelligence and spiritual practices connected to community and service. The long-term intention of this project is to create a climate in the parish of quality service to one another. That service needs to be grounded in behavioral norms operating in most of the groups of the parish. The short-term objective is to begin to establish these norms in two parish groups.

For the purposes of the project we’ll describe quality service as having three characteristics:

  • Timely
  • Thorough
  • Respectful

A possible pathway is to invite two groups to work with you. Consider beginning with a couple of groups that are already pretty good at living with quality service norms.

Conflict Competence

This initiative is directed at significantly improving the congregation’s ability to engage in and manage conflict. The project assumes there is not presently a high level of conflict in the parish.

Arts and Spirituality Parish Self-Definition

This initiative is directed toward helping the parish deepen or generate a connection to the arts that defines the parish in a healthy and sensible way.  There needs to be a kind of critical mass of activity, interest, and marketing for the effort to become part of the parish’s self definition.

Grounding in Spiritual Practices

This initiative is offered as the foundation for a strategy focused on grounding the parish in spiritual practice and developing competence in spiritual practice.  When used as a key element of a broader strategy, this initiative can be used to build a critical mass of members with competence in spiritual practice.

Daily Office - Equipping the Individual 

The immediate objective is to establish a system of training and coaching so individuals may develop the habit of saying the Office. During the period of this project the system is to be created and launched. The longer-range objective is to have 20% of the adult ASA saying the Office in some form. The system established needs to be one that will have this likely outcome.

Public Daily Office

Establish the permanent practice of a public offering of the Daily Office.

 Do in a manner that:

1) Draws an adequate number of participants

2) Is offered on at least four days (Mon- Sat) for at least ten months of the year.

3) In which lay members are either immediately or eventually able to officiate. 

Shaping the Parish Through Spiritual Practices 

This initiative is to set in motion and sustain the parish’s work on the primary task of formation though training, guiding and coaching members in spiritual practices. The work is one of establishing a “demand system” and critical mass that supports that focus. In this initiative the assumption is that the “map” being used is the one in In Your Holy Spirit: Shaping the Parish Through Spiritual Practice, Robert A. Gallagher 2011, Ascension Press

Orientation to Spiritual Practices

Provide an adequate overall orientation to spiritual practices within the first five months of a person’s arrival in the parish.  Make it a priority to ground new members in spiritual practice. Weave this onto the parish culture: Place the dates for the program on the parish schedule for at least the next 16 months. Have the program on the parish web site. Have related books always for sale and some related handouts always available for free or at low cost. Fresh posters about the next session always up. Weave into preaching.

Trust Development

This initiative is designed to engage the parish in understanding and acting in a manner that approaches trust as something to actively develop rather than a quality noticed when it is missed. We are seeking a parish with characteristics related to high trust: competence, reliability, responsiveness, reciprocity and congruence. With a critical mass of members acting in a way that develops trust, especially competence in spiritual life and practice as that relates to inclusion and hospitality, acceptance and challenge dynamics, communication and listening, and discernment and decision-making. The task is to shape the parish so it facilitates trust in and through its climate, structures, processes and behavioral norms. We seek ways of inclusion, acceptance, communicating, and making decisions that result in high levels of internal commitment, self-management and collaborative relationships.

Sunday Liturgy -- full, rich, graceful, beautiful

This initiative is directed toward helping the parish Sunday Eucharist consistently be an extraordinary event.  The goal is that this becomes so true, and so well know to a broader community, that it becomes part of the parish’s self-definition and identity. This initiative is strategic to the extent it is not simply a segment of parish life or an occasional activity but is related to a sustainable and meaningful parish identity. Such an identity must arise out of the parish’s existing life—there must be an adequate number of parishioners with skill, knowledge and passion for Eucharistic practice; it must fit the existing culture of the parish. A parish may want to begin the initiative on Eucharistic Competence either before taking this initiative on, or do it in a somewhat parallel time line.

OD Process - Appreciative 

This initiative is to launch a significant OD process improvement process using an appreciative process. This is to include increasing the competence of parish leaders for such work and integrating methods throughout the parish. Appreciative Inquiry is a strategy for intentional change that identifies the best of "what is" to pursue dreams and possibilities of "what could be"; a cooperative search for the strengths, passions and life-giving forces that are found within every system and that hold potential for inspired, positive change.

Coping with Loud Voices

This initiative may fit your situation if you have a small group of members who behave in a manner that suppresses the voice of the larger congregation or the voice and authority the rector and/or the majority of the vestry.

Exploring Congregational Options

This initiative may fit your situation if the parish no longer has the ability to continue in the ministry structure it has been accustom to.  A reasonable target might be to find a new alignment that stabilizes the situation for the next few years. The immediate goal of the initiative might be to begin the exploration of options and to map out an initial design for a process over the coming months.

Culture Change

This initiative is a broad ranging effort at significant culture change to include the parish’s way of being and doing around spiritual practices, primary task, emotional & social intelligence, and dealing with change. Some parishes face the most difficult choice—change or die. Others find themselves increasingly aware of how much better and healthier the parish could be. Very few parishes have any idea of the magnitude of change that will be required. A systemic, parish-wide culture change is a long term, complex and difficult task.  It will call for persistence and courage, wise leadership, and a capacity for strategic thinking and management.



Improving Group Fuctioning

Improve the functioning of the vestry and other significant groups in the parish in  an action – research process. Facilitate a process in which members of the group learn from their experience as a group. Use a learning-from-experience process with the vestry and other selected groups. The process may be the use of meeting assessment forms or another EIAG process (see attachments below). The same process is to be used for at least two meetings in a row and scheduled for use at several other meetings over the following 14 months.



Giving Feedback

As parish leaders, participants increase their use of skillful feedback. In the long-term you are seeking to make feedback from leaders a normal part of parish life. In the short-term you are: 1) using feedback to improve at least three working relationships, 2) deal with a difficult member, 3) improve your feedback skills, and   4) increase your own self-awareness and self-management in offering feedback.



The Three Primary Tasks of a Diocese

     With an Assessment Worksheet

Elements of a Diocesan Parish Development System

The Role of the Bishop and the Diocese - a blog posting

Pastoral Leadership Today - M. Smith SSJE

Diocesan Training Programs - Loren Mead presentation 1970s

Critical Mass - Diocesan Assessment

Benedictine Assessment

Four Assessments 



A few examples of the working packets used in consultations & workshops.

St. Augustine's, Oakland       Christ Church Frederica, GA

Trinity, Wilminton, DE           St. Paul's, Fayetteville, AK

Charleston WV Parishes 

Diocese of Southwest Florida Vestry Conference

Diocese of New Jersey Strategic Session



      Does the Damn Thing Work?



Postings on conflict 

When people get together face to face rather than on Facebook, with the invocation of the Holy Spirit, their differences become occasions for grace and truth  to burst forth. In making sense of it, I drew on my training. Conflict is Augustinian; conflict is nothing but disordered desire
The parish conflict has moved to level 4 or 5 . There have been blow ups and people are moving among the standard options -- terminate ("I have to get out of this place," withdraw (emotionally, physically - "It's just too painful"), fantasize ("can't we just go back to the way it was?"). 


Grumbling can fester and grow into conflict in the parish community. The small irritations can be indulged and become a fight. What wisdom can we find from Saint Benedict? 


It's difficult to manage a parish conflict when too many people are taking side trips. Side trips are flights from the actual situation in front of us.


 Conflict at any level rises out of a competition. Two groups or two individuals each wanting something that is in competition with the needs or wants of the other. This is true at all levels of conflict whether we just have a problem to solve or we face an intractable situation. 


This is offered in gratitude for the work of Saint Clement of Rome and Saint Benedict of Nursia. Assessments such as this are not for the purpose of defining reality or making judgments. They are best used to begin structured and disciplined forms of parish conversations.


Severe parish conflicts tie up the time and energy of bishops and their staffs while destabilizing the life and ministry of parishes. 


The parish had a major conflict several years ago. People left. The rector resigned. Friends were on opposite sides. It was awful! Attempts to “talk about it” have generally resulted in a reactivation of all the feelings and positions that existed during the dispute. 
Real parish development isn’t possible when you are of a stubborn mind. Parish development efforts require leaders who are adaptable while at the same time holding firm to the parish’s identity and integrity. 


Here’s another thought about what can help us clergy with our stubborn minds. Allow yourself to start with the assumption that you are to be obedient. And the starting place for that is to do the daily office for 20 years. 


What is the church’s way when facing conflict? Is there a pathway of faithfulness we can use to guide us? 


Rectors make decisions all the time that don’t satisfy everyone. And healthy priests and healthy parishes don’t spend excessive energy re-visiting those decisions or trying to get consensus. This is one more area where there’s not a simple answer.


There are a number of skills and methods that are useful when you're trying to have more collaboration and/or to reduce the level of conflict in the parish. Collaboration is probably the hardest style to use because it requires more skill and emotional intelligence than other styles.


There’s a model of conflict styles that looks at two dimensions – the extent of cooperativeness and the degree of assertiveness. 


Collaborating has costs. It requires a lot of time and energy. And that means the parties involved need to have the willingness to engage in structured conversations. We need to be willing to work face-to-face with those we disagree with and to listen to them.


Always There will always be grumbling in the parish. Always. I suspect that the reason Saint Benedict wrote so much about grumbling was because there was so much of it in the monastic community. I doubt Benedict ever believed it would stop. 


Two documents related to the inclusion of sexual offenders