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SPONSORED BY: The Diocese of Oklahoma and the Order of the Ascension

A three-session opportunity in December 2021 to reflect on several central issues and dynamics of every church. Done using Zoom. Participants will be from parishes throughout the country. There is no fee for the program.

There are a number of dynamics that are true of all parishes: small and large, rural and urban, liberal and conservative. They were present in the upper room, the catacombs, a parish church in the age of Julian of Norwich, and in your church today. Understanding those somewhat hidden rhythms may help you as you work to shape the life and ministry of your parish community.

PROGRAM LEADERS: Michelle Heyne, OA, Robert Gallagher, OA, Poulson Reed, OA   About the leaders

ORDER THE BOOK: A Wonderful and Sacred Mystery: A Practical Theology of the Parish Church. You need to order and read the sections of the book we will focus on during the program. Order from Amazon at this link The book is available as an eBook and a paperback. 

DATES: December 1, 8, 15, 2021

TIME: 4:00 pm Eastern; 3:00 pm Central; 2:00 pm Mountain; and 1:00 pm Pacific EACH SESSION: Will last about 75 minutes

PARTICIPANTS: The invitation is being extended to all parish churches and dioceses. The program may be most useful for clergy, diocesan staff, and parish development consultants, and lay leaders with an interest in ascetical theology and organization development as applied to the parish church.

REGISTER: No later than November 24, 2021. To Register - Send an email to Brother Robert, (ragodct@gmail.com). Subject: A Wonderful and Sacred Mystery. Include your name, email address, parish and diocese. Your participation will be confirmed within a day. Please order and begin to read the book. We'd appreciate your letting us know if you need to drop from the program before we begin.

FEE: There is no fee Your only cost is the purchase of the book.

ZOOM: We will gather from parishes across the country on Zoom. A link will be sent the day before each session.

ADVANCE WORK: You'll be asked to read a chapter of the book before each session. This is essential as our work within the session will assume all participants have done the reading.

THE SESSIONS: Our starting place is what is organic in the inner life of any parish church. To effectively and faithfully shape the parish, the work needs to be grounded in an understanding of the natural functioning of the body of Christ; in the inherent functioning of that microcosm called the parish church.

December 1 -- Chapter One: Images of the parish’s intrinsic dynamics and rhythms There are aspects of a parish's inner life that are usually unseen and unacknowledged. Each is something that is true about the parish church as it now is. It’s not something we need to create or make happen. It is the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. Shaping a parish culture that is faithful, healthy and sustainable is done, in part, by understanding and building upon these intrinsic dynamics.  Presenter during this session: Brother Robert

    Presentation from Session 1         Conversation from Session One

December 8 -- Chapter Three: Power from the Center Pervades the Whole  “Critical mass models” can help us understand how a healthy parish, or any organization, needs enough weight in the center to be effective. Jesus seems to operate out of the same kind of understanding. While the Gospels describe the 5,000 that were fed, and while the 70 were sent out into the world, the disciples were a group of twelve. And at the center of the twelve, there were Peter and John.  Presenter during this session: Brother Poulson

December 15 -- Chapter Four: Cultural density Most parishes leave a beneficial mark on people. They shape people’s character, identity and sense of purpose. The concern here is leaving a beneficial mark that is distinctly Christian, that helps members live a deeper and more complete expression of the Christian life.  Presenter during this session: Sister Michelle

EACH SESSION: Each session will include -

  • Prayer
  • Small group sharing at least once during the session. The groups are by random assignment. You may find yourself with people you know or people from across the country. Please, share only what you want to share.
  • A presentation
  • Conversation and Q&A


Improve my understanding of the intrinsic dynamics of all parish churches.


1.Participants need to access the session through a Zoom invitation that will be sent out at least one day prior to each session. You need to have both the video and sound active. We want to be able to see all the participants and have them see one another.

2. The meeting site will be open about 5 minutes before we begin. Please be on time. We will close the meeting at 5 minutes after the hour.

COFFEE & TEA: Made just as you like it, by you at home

THE DIOCESE OF OKLAHOMA: The Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma dates back to 1837 as a Missionary District of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. The General Convention of the Episcopal Church recognized The Diocese of Oklahoma in 1937. The diocese consists of all Episcopal congregations in the state of Oklahoma. Diocesan website

THE ORDER OF THE ASCENSION: Is a dispersed Benedictine community of the Episcopal Church, founded in 1983. For more information